Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Lecture 6 - Globalisation, sustainability and the media

Definitions of Globalisation:
Socialist - The process of transformations of local or regional phonomena into global ones
Capitalist - The elimination of state - enforced resrictions on exchanges accross the border and the increasingly intergrated and clomplex global system.

George Ritzer coined together the term "mcDonaldization" to describe the wide-ranging sociocultural process.

Marshall McLuhan.
- Rapidity of communication echoes the senses
- We can experience instantly the effects of our actions on a global scale.

"abolishing both space and time as far as our planet is concerned"

TV is an extention of our eye. Phone is an extention of our ear.

Global Village - internet - electric technology would seem to render individualism obsolute.

Centripetal forces - bringing the world together in uniform global society
Centrifugal forces - Tearing the world apart in tribal wars.
Direct responce to American globalisation??

Sovereignty - Challenges to the idea of the nation-state

If the 'global village' is run with a certain set of values then it would not be so much an intergrated community as an assimilated one.
Key thinkers:

News corporations divide the world into 'territories' of decending 'market importance'.

Panda to ideas of the west first because they can sell more there.
1. North America
2. Western Europe, Japan, Australia
3. Developing economies, India etc
4. The rest of the world.

India - Skin whitening cream. Not natural - wanting to look like westerners by 'ldeal life' in magazines, literature etc. White skin = modern, sophisticated.

Chomsky and Herman (1998)
'Manufacturing consent' - All of the media is one giant propaganda tool for western America. - Political indoctrination.

Propaganda- model- 5 basic filters (media neutral??)
- Ownership
- funding
- sourcing
- Anti communist ideology
- Flack

Rupert Murdoch selected media interests (controling media) Owns papers, sky, fox etc.
Spreading his poitical philosophy.
Buisness interests not for the people.

Interviewing. If a story is made up, or guessed, their job would be lost. Wikileaks.

Advertising. Run an advert and then arange stories around advert. Cant have negotive story next to adverts.

Us-based global climate coalition (GCC).

News is based on what we are not to re-inforce what we are. Demonising our political ideaologies.

Al Gore (2006) 'An inconvenient truth'
Jim Inhofe - 'biggest hoax'
Nigel Lawson - 'propagandist's term'
Competative enterprise institute (machine for big politing buisnesses)
-Lieing to the face of the public even after facts.
-Shows the impact of the media, when people believe this.

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