- Trottoir Roullant (electric moving walkway) - urbanisation
Enlightenment - period of time in the lat 18th Century when scientific/philosophical thinking made leaps and bounds
Paris 1850s onwards = a new paris.
Haussman redesigned paris streets from old narrow streets and rundown houseing to large boulevards. This made the streets much easier to police which is a form of SOCIAL CONTROL.
Also the 'dangerous' elements of the working class are moved outside the city centre - the centre became an expensive middle class and upper class zone

The big iron bridge shows just how much modernism is beggining to take off.
If we start to think about subjective expericence (the experience of the individual in the modern world) we start to come close to understanding modern art and the experience of modernity.
MODERNISM emerges out of the subjective responses of artists/designers to modernity.

Alfred Stieglitz 'flatiron building' (1903)
This was amazing for the times and this was when sky scrapers started to emerge.

Marcel Dunchamp 'nude decending a staircase' (1912)
This shows how abstract art is taking off as modernisation takes over.
Modernism in design
- Anti-historicism - no need to look backwards to older styles
"Ornament is crime" - Adolf Loos (1908)
- Truth to materials - simple geometric forms appropriate to the material being used
- Form floolws function
- Technology
- Internationalism
- New materials
- Concrete
- New technologies of steel
- Plastics
- Aluminium
- Reinfoced glass
Mass production
- Cheaper more widely accessable products
- Products made quickly
Internationalism - A language of design that could be recognised and understood on an international basis
Artists who worked with typefaces: Herbert Bayer, Stanley Morison (Times New Roman)
- The term modern is not a neutral term - it suggests novelty and improvement
- "modernity" (1750-1960) - social and cultural experience
- "modernism" - The range of ideas and stles that sprang from modernity
importance of modernism:
- A vocabulary of styles
- Art and design education
- Idea of form follows function
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